VLC Summer School

The Summer School VLC_SMART URBAN INFRASTRUCTURES is organized within the ENHANCE alliance. It aims to provide participants with the skills necessary to design and use interdisciplinary methodologies to maximize synergies between urban infrastructures (green, blue, energy, social, mobility, housing, etc.).


Participants who successfully complete the course and present their results will be awarded a certificate of participation in the ENHANCE Summer School with 4,5 ECTS equivalence.


The course will be based on co-creation processes in which students, tutors, decision-makers, and representatives of civil society and the economic sector will collectively develop diagnoses, visions, and proposals for a set of strategic spatial and functional units in the city of Valencia.

Link to register Available soon

Learning Outcomes

INTERDISCIPLINARY PLANNING METHODOLOGIES BASED ON CO-CREATION: The Summer School will focus on processes (methodologies) designed by participants to produce interdisciplinary and innovative results.


LEARNING OUTCOMES and COMPETENCIES DEVELOPED: Upon completion of the VLC Summer School, participants will increase their abilities to:


  1. Interpret and incorporate in their field of specialization knowledge belonging to other disciplines involved in urban planning and design
  2. Conceptually and critically address urban sustainability and resilience as systemic and multidimensional qualities that inform the analysis and transformation of cities.
  3. Generate analyses, visions, and proposals based on the synergic interaction between urban infrastructures (green, blue, social, energy, housing, mobility, etc.)
  4. Develop and implement processes of co-creation and participation in urban planning and design
  5. Design and use methodologies or processes that support the achievement of the other learning outcomes of the course
  6. Apply the proposed methodologies in concrete case studies to evaluate their effectiveness and adjust them after a critical analysis of the results produced (feedback process)
  7. Develop assessment skills by conducting self-assessment and peer assessment activities during the course
  8. Advance in the acquisition of key transversal competencies: Teamwork and collaboration, Critical and conceptual thinking, Creative thinking, Systems thinking, Networking, Negotiation and conflict resolution, Communication, Troubleshooting, Time management, Responsibility and ethical values

A hybrid Summer School

Summer School is FREE OF CHARGE. The Blended Intensive Programme (Erasmus+) will support students’ participation.


The Summer School activity will be held in hybrid mode and divided into two phases: the Online phase will be conducted via MS Teams, and the on-site phase will take place at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.


In accordance with the Problem-Based Learning approach, at the very beginning of the Summer School, students will be provided with a challenge. The challenge will be solved up to the end of the Summer School, gaining the necessary knowledge.


Participants of the Summer School will work in multidisciplinary and international teams of 4 to 5 students. They will be supported by academic teachers from WUT Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), POLIMI Politecnico di Milano (Italy), RWTH Aachen University (Germany), TU Technical University of Berlin (Germany), NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) and UPV Valencia Polytechnic University (Spain).


Online PHASE
  • Teaching: Lectures (by online lecturers) + Tutoring of TASK1 (by online mentors)
  • Teamwork: in monothematic teams of students interested in investigating the same Urban Infrastructure
  • TASK1: Thematic foundations
    • Definition of a shared conceptual framework within each monothematic group (sustainability, resilience, adaptation, infrastructure, etc.)
    • Research and Analysis of the selected urban infrastructure (in general and in the pilot site)
    • Definition of a toolbox to improve the selected infrastructure.
    • Preliminary methodology to generate synergies with other infrastructures.
    • Preparation of a lecture to present in Valencia the developed work to other teams
Onsite PHASE
  • Teaching: Tutoring of TASK2 and TASK2 (by onsite tutors) + Lectures (by onsite lecturers)
  • Teamwork: in multi-thematic teams, including students from different monothematic groups
  • SITE VISIT: Validation of thematic analyses and toolboxes + Direct interaction with local stakeholders (local administrations, civil groups, researchers, private sector)
  • TASK2: A synergic methodology
    • Definition of a shared conceptual framework within each multi-thematic group
    • Development of a methodology to combine and generate synergies between different urban infrastructures.
  • TASK3: Integrative and synergic proposals
    • Application of the proposed methodology to analyze, envision and develop integrative proposals for the pilot site
    • Preparation of the final presentation

The city of Valencia

It is not by chance that it has been chosen as the best city to live in the entire world by expatriates of more than five different nationalities. Mediterranean, authentic and with a rich history, Valencia is becoming one of the most sought-after destinations in Europe. With 300 days of sunshine a year and an average temperature of 17°, Valencia is a city made for enjoying the outdoor life

Valencia Tourism Official Site | Visit Valencia


The Universitat Politècnica de València is ranked first in the world among Spanish technological university, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as Shanghai Ranking.

If they had to start over, 93% of our graduates would return to study at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Come to the UPV. 25 reasons to choose the UPV


July-August 2023

MS Teams

4-9 September 2023


64,5h of lectures, thematic work and synchronous work

48h of site visit, team work and microteaching


  • Data Literacy: Summer school, blended course
  • Timing: July-August 2023 online via MS Teams + September 2023 onsite UPV Valencia Polytechnic University
  • Course level: Sc and M.Sc
  • Course type: Hybrid mode with on-site in Valencia and online via MS Teams
  • ECTS: 4,5 credit points (adjustable)
  • Organizing unit: Polytechnic University of Valencia
  • Contact coordinator: Juanjo Galan (juagavi@urb.upv.es)

The learning activities are organized as follows:


► 64,5 hours of online learning:

  • When: July-August. 2023 (it might be extended after the onsite week)
  • Where: online, MS Teams
  • Who: Enhance teachers
  • Learning activities: online lectures (20h) + workshops (44,5h)

48 hours of onsite learning:

  • When: 4-9- 2023
  • Where: Valencia Polytechnic University (Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia) www.upv.es
  • Who: Enhance teachers
  • Learning activities: Lectures (5h) + Site Visit (5 h) + Studio + workshop (28h)+ Critique sessions (10h) (in multidisciplinary teams)


The VLC Summer School on Smart Summer Infrastructures is FREE OF CHARGE. Travel and accommodation costs might be covered by the partner universities.


  • Completed at least the first year of bachelor studies in planning, architecture, engineering, life sciences, social sciences, or any other discipline involved in city and urban planning
  • Well-developed social competences
  • Fluency in English

Available soon

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