The third ENHANCE Staff Week was focused in the Education Pathways Towards Virtual Exchange


An ENHANCE Staff Week is a place for active participation in the future European University. The philosophy is to bring the employees closer together, familiarise them with the ongoing modernisation of university administration, and create a more substantial commitment to the Alliance values.

The staff weeks 2 and 3 at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, have offered a broad overview of these subjects. They have also inspired fresh ideas on higher education, such as the session on sustainable entrepreneurship and the challenges of virtual mobility.


The Staff Week 2, with a programme about Innovative Learning Environments programme, was prepared by the Warsaw University of Technology and included three workshops: on co-creation, service learning, and research-based learning. The overall theme of this SW was the need for a new conceptual and practical framework to introduce virtual education.


Regarding Staff Week 3, focused on the Education Pathways Towards Virtual Exchange and designed by the Chalmers University of Technology, we have been working on the concept and implementation of virtual mobility. The selection of ENHANCE students and the purpose and recognition of the courses offered have been addressed during this event.


Concerning the ENHANCE Alliance, we note that although there are some doubts about the implementation of the project they are faced with a lot of motivation and enthusiasm. Moreover, the participants raised many issues related to the topics addressed during SWs and urged more specific guidelines on their implementation among the Alliance members.


From our stay at the Chalmers University of Technology, we take away an insight into the modernity of higher education, the talent for defining and implementing new learning methods, and the commitment and involvement of the students. We have left Sweden feeling that another kind of education is possible.


The topics covered are fundamental for the legislative future of the university and consist in providing staff with essential knowledge to develop the ENHANCE Alliance. The complete activities during both Staff Weeks will cover 18 hours in total, and in addition to formative activities, staff can enjoy the cultural and social events organised at Gothenburg, including a joint social event that will take place on Wednesday, 27th of April.


It really does promise to be a unique experience for all involved and following the success of the first staff week held in Valencia last October, we hope to see the valuable participation of many ENHANCE staff members.

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