Portfolio Fundraising Office


[expand title=»Education and outreach»]

    • Curriculum co-design and co-delivery of courses and programs.
    • University-Industry and Industry-University, faculty/expert exchange.
      • University-Industry co-certification
    • Master Classes, conferences, seminars, and workshops.
    • Internships in companies and institutions.
    • Industry-led training at the university, and University-led training at companies.
    • Science/tech days, popular science, and STEM promotion events/fairs.
      • Promotional activities for women and girls in science and technology.
      • Industry promotion events and open doors events at sci-tech organisations (public and private).
    • Crowdsource thematic events around local and global community problems.
    • Publication of white papers and reports on ENHANCES areas of interest.
    • Dissemination of the EACs’ activities through events, printed materials, web and social media.


[expand title=»Research and knowledge creation»]

  • Industry/University co-design and supervision of Final Degree Project (FDP), Final Master Project(FMP) and Doctoral Theses.
    • Industrial FDP, FMP, and Doctorates.
    • Research scholarships at the FDP, FMP, and Doctoral levels.
  • Research Awards and science-technology Prizes.
  • Research collaborations ENHANCE-Industry co-development.
    • Positioning of ENHANCE as a one-stop science and technology provider for large organisations.
  • University-Organisation collaboration for fund provision.
  • Research translation and technology transfer.
    • Dissemination ENHANCE’s research on today’s global hot topics as a means of alliance promotion.
  • Industries Non-Core exploration research.
  • Research focused on donations and endowments.
  • Co-acquisition of scientific-technical equipment and infrastructures (in-kind contributions).


[expand title=»Entrepreneurship and tech transfer»]

    • Creation of the ENHANCE entrepreneurship space (start-up, spinoff, tech transfer).
      • Creation of the ENHANCE technology translation space to accelerate tech transfer (high technology readiness level).
    • ENHANCE business acceleration summer school.
    • Participation/presence at entrepreneurial fairs, conferences and general events.
      • Tech transfer and technology translation (acceleration) events.
      • Hackathons, Maker Fairs and the like.
    • Creation of innovation chains lab-industry-market for marketable technologies.
    • Industry venture capital in university start-ups and spinoffs.



[expand title=»Student»]



[expand title=»Chair»]


[expand title=»Company»]



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