This page shows you all the services and contact persons that might be relevant for you if you are considering going abroad for study or research reasons. ENHANCE Universities* committed themselves to encouraging all students and staff to realise their plans even if barriers on the way seem difficult to overcome. ENHANCE aims to be accessible and open for everyone.

Thanks to several studies and inspiring testimonials from students, we know that it is possible to go abroad despite the wide range of possible barriers. These studies tell us that all students, especially students and staff with fewer opportunities, need more information to prepare for their stay abroad. This overview will help you to find your way. On this page, you can explore different types of services and infrastructures related to an exchange semester, research mobility placement, or any other kind of mobility opportunities. Take the next step!

The Erasmus+ programme offers lots of possibilities like internships or Erasmus study periods abroad in Europe. These programmes can be made possible in the short or long term. Equal opportunities are a key concern in Erasmus+. Therefore, additional special funding is available for certain groups like students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, students with children, first-generation academics (students from a non-academic background), and working students. Please contact your sending institution to discover more possibilities. You can find more information below.

This page is under continuous development. Is specific information missing? Let us know! We are happy to adapt or extend this overview. Any wrong or broken links? Please report them to us. Please contact the ENHANCE ombudsman Melih Özkardes by email:                                      



ENHANCE universities provide a wide variety of assistance offers and services for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. On the following pages, you can find out more and address your questions to the contact persons. We are happy to help.

Mobility placements with children

ENHANCE universities are open to hosting students and staff with a child or children during their mobility period. On this page, you can find an overview of contact persons and relevant links.

Mentoring, training and grants for woman in science

Have a look here and find information regarding different initiatives for female researchers with possibilities for mentorship and other activities.


This page shows you an overview of different communities or associations for the queer community at ENHANCE universities. Explore the many possibilities available.

Further services

You can find information and contact details about Further Services like medical support, integration activities and public transportation.

Do you need some inspiration
from other students who have been abroad?

Have a look to their testimonials!

Crossing Borders campaign

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