We foster bottom-up innovation in new educational methods and modern university administration.

As a learning institution, ENHANCE will foster bottom-up innovation in new educational methods and modern university administration. The Higher Education Innovator is a virtual unit which will support the change in internal structures and procedures of our member universities. This framework for transformation includes Applied research to develop new actions, Organisational Change Incubators, Trainings, tools and resources.

ENHANCE Challenge

24 – 25 MAY 2022

The ENHANCE Alliance launched two challenges to tackle artificial intelligence and diversity and inclusion at European Education Area. 

This initiative is integrated into the ENHANCE Higher Education Innovator programme and will support the top six projects presented by teams formed by at least two different Alliance members with 210,000 Euros.

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Transdisciplinary Project Catalyst

24 – 25 MAY 2022

The ENHANCE Transdisciplinary Project Catalyst builds knowledge-creating teams bringing together academics, students and societal stakeholders that engage in transdisciplinary research in the three ENHANCE pilot topics: Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities and Climate Action.

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ENHANCE Workshop for Online Learning and Teaching

1 – 2 JULY 2021

The ENHANCE Workshop for Online Learning and Teaching provided a platform, to share experiences and lessons learned from distance-learning. Participants were given the opportunity to analyse the do’s and don’ts and to highlight best-practices.

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ENHANCE Workshop for Modular Training

Coming soon.

The ENHANCE Workshop for Modular Training is a supportive activity to help prepare the ENHANCE Report on Modular Training Toolkits. The toolkit will be developed for students of the ENHANCE Alliance and contains instructions, tools and design-thinking methodologies on how to co-create teaching and learning.

Coming soon

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