
Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence

Activity 1

  • Subactivity

Activity 2


Smart & Sustainable cities & Communities

Activity 1

  • Subactivity

Activity 2


Climate Action

Activity 1

  • Subactivity

Activity 2


Education and outreach

Curriculum co-design and co-delivery of courses and programs

University-Industry and Indistry-University,faculty/expert exchange

  • University-Industry co-certification

Master Classes, conferences, seminars and workshops
Interrnships in companies and institutions
Industry-led training at the university, and University-led training at companies

Science/tech days, popular science and STEM promotion events/fairs

  • Promotional activities for women and girls in science and technology

Crowdsource thematic events around local and global community problems
Publication of white papers and reports on ENHANCES areas of interest
Dissemination of the EACs activities through events, printed materials, web and social media


Research and Knowledge creation

Industry/University co-design and supervision of Final Degree Project (FDP), Final Master Project (FMP) and Doctoral Theses

  • Industrial FDP, FMP, and Doctorates
  • Research scholarships at the FDP, FMP, and Doctoral levels

Research Awards and science-technology Prizes

Research collaborations ENHANCE-Industry co-development

  • Positioning of ENHANCE as a one-stop science and technology provider for large organisations

University-Organisation collaboration for fund provision

Research translation and technology transfer

  • Dissemination ENHANCE’s research on today’s global hot topics as a means of alliance promotion

Industries Non-Core exploration research
Research focused on donations and endowments
Co-acquisition of scientific-technical equipment and infrastructures (in-kind contributions)


Entrepreneurship and tech transfer

Creation of the ENHANCE entrepreneurship space (start-up, spinoff, tech transfer)

  • Creation of the ENHANCE technology translation space to accelerate tech transfer (high technology readliness level)

ENHANCE business acceleration summer school

Participation/presence at entrepreneurial fairs, conferences and general events

  • Tech transfer and technology translation (acceleration) events
  • Hackathons, Maker Fairs and the like

Creation of innovation chains lab-industry-market for marketable technologies
Industry venture capital in university start-ups and spinoffs


Industry Partnership

Activity 1

  • Content 1.1

Activity 2



Activity 1

  • Content 1.1

Activity 2


Transnational Cooperation

Activity 1

  • Content 1.1

Activity 2


Barriers removal and Inclusion

Activity 1

  • Content 1.1

Activity 2

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