ENHANCE Alliance is founded by seven major research-intensive universities focusing on science and technology, laying the foundations for an innovative European University of Technology. In November 2022, three more European universities joined the ENHANCE Alliance, bringing the total number of member universities to ten. ENHANCE Alliance aims to empower students, researchers and society to address the challenges of tomorrow responsibly, challenges set out in the Green Deal and Digital Transformation. The partner institutions have a history of solid cooperation in EU programmes and joint research projects.

The Alliance is based on the idea of mutual support in driving necessary innovation for the member institutions as well as ENHANCE itself. Students will be enabled to reflect on European values such as diversity, democracy and equality and develop critical thinking. ENHANCE strives to create responsible European identities, with the approach of integrating the joint European culture and political system into subject modules

Together, they will contribute to solutions for challenges such as digitalisation and AI, climate action and sustainable cities and communities, creating impact through a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem.


ENHANCE is committed to inclusive and sustainable research and education. It applies inter- and transdisciplinary approaches of co-creation and knowledge exchange to tackle the world‘s most pressing problems.

To unlock our greatest potential, we allow the boundaries within our ten- member universities and society to become permeable. ENHANCE will ensure that education and research have a positive social, economic, and environmental impact. Our Alliance will help build a joint European sphere of knowledge, adhering to the highest standards of best practices in teaching and research, inclusiveness and diversity.


The vision of ENHANCE is to drive responsible social transformation. Our Alliance will inspire and push for the development and use of science and technology for the benefit of society-turning global challenges into opportunities.


The European values referred to in the Treaty of Lisbon form the basis for all activities within the ENHANCE Alliance
to create common European education and research

Equality and human rights for all citizens are the basis for European integration, underpinning all policy and encompassing all areas. Educational opportunities and exchanges within the European University should be accessible to all, regardless of economic background, special needs or family circumstances. Our ombudsperson for diversity will ensure that these factors are considered in all our activities.

Freedom of thought, autonomy and critical thinking skills are crucial to the development of technology and science in the service of humanity. A student-centred, challenge-based approach to learning will enhance critical thinking and enable progress and innovation. Enhanced freedom of movement between our institutions will foster a common European identity among all members of the Alliance.

In order to ensure democratic procedures, ENHANCE endorses a participatory governance structure and decision-making process characterised by openness, mutual respect and broad participation of relevant groups, which include all members of the university as well as organisations representing the interest of society. Students, as the main stakeholders of the ENHANCE Alliance, have a powerful voice in the governance structure and are co-creators of the educational offers.

The value and dignity of the human being must be at the centre. Our ENHANCE education strategy will ensure that respect for the individual forms the basis for all our teaching, learning, research and administration.

ENHANCE builds on the rule of law as a cornerstone of our society. Our cooperation is based on a clear set of rules, focused on the creation of a transparent system that provides students with information and certainty regarding the academic recognition process.


To achieve the ENHANCE vision, we will focus on three pilot topics that reflect our common and complementary research strengths, regional priorities and contribute to the European Commission’s priorities and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action. Based on these pilot topics, we will develop new models of European cross-disciplinary and co-creative education and research as well as sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation.

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